More About Me
Mi nombre es Norberto Moreno, he estado ayudando a compradores a encontrar su primer hogar desde 1996. Con mas de 27 a?os de experiencia en el mercado inmobiliario, me he convertido en un experto en guiar a los compradores por primera vez a traves del emocionante proceso de compra una vivienda.

Me especializo en trabajar con compradores por primera vez. Entiendo los desafios unicos que enfrentan los compradores primerizos y me dedico a brindarles el apoyo y la orientacion que necesitan para tomar decisiones informadas y seguras.

Tambien me especializa en ayudar a las personas a vender sus casas. Prepara un analisis del mercado en su area para conseguirles el mejor precio por su propiedad.

Me comprometo a brindar el mejor servicio con amabilidad, honestidad y confidencialidad.

Specializing in First-Time Home Buyers Since 1996

I've been a real estate agent since 1996, and I specialize in helping first-time home buyers. I offer the best of my experience, guiding you step-by-step from the beginning to the end of the process. I'll recommend the best loan officers, attorneys, and inspectors to ensure a smooth and successful experience.

Also Specializing in Home Sellers

I also specialize in helping people who want to sell their homes. I'll prepare a thorough market analysis of your area to help you get the best possible price for your property.

Experience You Can Trust

With all this time and experience, I've been able to help my clients, their children, families, and friends, no matter the distance. I'm available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, to provide you with the best service with kindness, honesty, and confidentiality.

Let's Connect!

I'm ready to help you with all your real estate needs. Contact me today to get started!


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